Monthly Archives: February 2021

Radio 55 -Don’t Be Fooled

On today’s podcast, Mark offers tips on how to avoid scams and fraud in general, but in particular when doing retirement planning. There are sophisticated on line and telephone scams and we offer great advice to protect yourself.  Also, learn how to spot  misinformation or vague promises made by some financial groups that can often hurt your financial future in the long run. Click here to learn more about Mark Rowlette, founder of South Shore Retirement Services.


Radio 54 -Important Dates

Mark and Jordan talk about key calendar dates that matter when it comes to retirement.  From choosing Medicare options in the fall months to tax deadlines, there is a lot to keep track of.  Mark and his team  make it a priority to stay on top of the calendar for you.  One more way South Shore Retirement Services  offers peace of mind.  Because you should be spending most of your time enjoying yourself in retirement. You’ve earned it!  Click here to learn more about Mark Rowlette, founder of South Shore Retirement Services.

Radio 53 -Guess What?  It’s Tax Time Again

Seems as though we just got wrapped up tax season, but here it is again, right on time!  For those in, or about to enter retirement, the focus now is on how to prepare your long range tax plan.  Mark suggests several key questions to think about and suggests a variety of tax strategies to help to plan for a more stable financial future.

Click here to learn more about Mark Rowlette, founder of South Shore Retirement Services.

Radio 52 -The Right Questions to Ask

Retirement means big and positive changes for you.  On today’s episode Mark discusses several important questions you should consider, beyond merely securing your financial future.  Where do you want to live?  How much travel do you want to do?  What about launching a new part-time career?  South Shore Retirement Services will make sure you won’t have to worry about money in retirement.  And they can help with a myriad of questions you’re likely to have about your new life!

Click here to learn more about Mark Rowlette, founder of South Shore Retirement Services.